• LOCAL ACTION ITINERARIO: A TRAVEL STORY ARTIST Emilie Hudig(Nl) LOCATION Chinese European Art Center(CEAC) SEPECIAL THANKS Mondriaan Fund Emilie Caroline...




    Emilie Hudig(Nl)


    Chinese European Art Center(CEAC)


    Mondriaan Fund 

    Emilie Caroline Hudig 

    Born in 1973, Rotterdam, Netherlands.She studied Cultural Anthropology and Media and Culture at Amsterdam University and documentary and portrait photography at the Photo academy in Amsterdam. In 2009 her book ‘Control| In Control’ was awarded the prestigious Zilveren Camera, photo story of the year. Hudig has exhibited in: FOAM3h, Museum van Loon, Les Rencontres d’Arles and received multiple grants from the Mondriaan Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts for different projects.

    She was brought up with a strong sense of social engagement which became stronger after her personal medical history. In her work she engages with social issues in a multi layered way, focusing on a certain intensity and relativity which is expressed through the variation of her work in a broad professional context.


    Itinerario: a travel story 

    During my artist in residence at the CEAC in Xiamen, I will make a travel story. Inspired by a long tradition of travelogues and journals, which goes back to the 1600’s  when the famous Dutch skipper Bontekoe wrote about his voyages to the South Chinese Sea.

    My approach follows the more literary genre of the ‘imaginary travel story’ of which Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is perhaps the most famous. As a photographer with both a documentary and a poetic body of work I am inspired by Defoe because he made ‘truth seem like fiction, and fiction like truth’. In my ‘imaginary travelstory’ I am exploring the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity and the role of intuition and creativity in relationship to depicting reality.

    The word itinerary comes from the latin, itinerarǐus, it means a sequence of various points on a trajectory, it doesn’t have a minimum or maximum length of time and includes places, stops and accidents that can be found along the route. I am especially interested in the ‘accidents’ along the route. I seek for the perfect accident, the perfect imperfection in my images. Magical and mysterious. For me, a metaphor for life. 

    At least my life.